According to the American physicist organizational networks, November 3 (Beijing time) reported recently, the University of California, Santa Barbara physicists found that silicon carbide contains lattice defects can be manipulated at the level of quantum mechanics as a The room temperature quantum bits, This finding makes silicon carbide is expected to become the core of the next generation of information technology, widely used in the electronics industry, to explore the field of quantum physics of ultra-fast computing, nano-sensing. Related papers published in "Nature" magazine published this week.
In the conventional semiconductor electronic device, the lattice defect is a defect, the electronics will be "Collapse" fixed on a special lattice bit. But the research team found that electrons in silicon carbide, lattice defects "fall" in some way to initialize the quantum states of light and microwave radiation through a combination of its precise handling and measurement . That means that, each lattice defect are found. A much OF QUANTUM bits news or the requirements of to, by As a A quantum Soil Mechanics Simulation of, the transistor come use.
"We look forward to these imperfect flaws become perfect and practical, rather than allowing the crystal to become perfect and orderly, these defects as the basis for future quantum technologies." Authors, the school spintronics and quantum computing center supervisors, Professor of Physics David Oscar Lom said, most of the material lattice defects did such a property, and the atomic structure of the material and electrical characteristics of the semiconductor is closely related. At present the only known system with the same characteristics is the center of nitrogen in the diamond crystal lattice vacancies (nitrogen-vacancy center), substituted by a nitrogen atom, a carbon atom and the surrounding crystal lattice vacancies cause, can also be used at room temperature as a qubit, the quantum state of the other substances requires close to absolute zero. But the the the nitrogen lattice vacancies Center diamonds are difficult to grow, has caused great difficulties to the fabrication of integrated circuits.
By contrast, the commercial use of high quality silicon carbide crystal diameter can reach a few inches, and can easily be used in a variety of electronic devices, optoelectronic devices, and electrical machinery apparatus. Researchers pointed out that the, the silicon carbide lattice defects applies to As at the infrared light, the the of light used in by the its energy and the current the whole of modern telecommunications network is very close to. The future the the integration of quantum equipment has a Precision electronic and optical lines, these unique the nature of the let the silicon carbide to become the the the most attractive candidate materials for.
"Our dream is to be free to design a quantum mechanical equipment like a city engineer in accordance with the load capacity, span bridge designs, I hope one day quantum engineer in accordance with quantum entanglement, and environment interactions, etc. Specifications are to design quantum electrical equipment the papers lead author, Oscar Roma Lab graduate student William Kyle said.