
Silicon carbide products using methods and protection methods

Silicon carbide products using methods:
Prohibit the use of silicon carbide products overload, if rod appearance showing blistering appearance, often stick temperature is too high or harmful substances and stick response, should seek to decrease temperature or reduction of harmful substances stick with great touch. Surveys often use the appearance (voltmeter, ammeter, thermometer, etc.) whether the normal readings, showing abnormal timely adoption of appropriate measures to find the cause. Silicon carbide devices and connection to the furnace after. It should be loose in the axial and lateral clearance can move and change, the prohibition of forced or hard metal plates mounted plug the stick force convergence, avoiding thermal expansion force after power increase and broken rods. The cold end of the fixture and stick spray aluminum end convergence to be fastened.
Silicon carbide products protection methods:
Stick in the Deposits must pay attention to moisture; rod ends are found sprayed aluminum layer deliquescence fall; should scratch sprayed aluminum disposal can also be sprayed aluminum rods wrapped layer of aluminum foil wiring segment after use. Using bolt type clamps, the need to run for some time before tightening again, to prevent loosening clamps and rods touch bad. Water vapor will promote accelerated aging silicon carbide products; if there is water in the heating process of discharge, on the need to leave the furnace vent. New furnace or kiln from lack of use, before using the oven.
Oven as much as possible the use of other sources of heat or stick with the old. There are other corrosive atmosphere furnace, in the case of promise, but also left on the furnace vent. To adhere to the furnace temperature is normal, in the process with the use of silicon carbide rod resistance value added, should be gradually progressive use of voltage, when the voltage transformer used to progress to the highest limits of silicon carbide products equipment still can not meet the pleading, you can choose to change shutdown great way to continue using wiring methods. If excessive aging should be fully shutdown using a new stick.
Silicon carbide has a brittle ceramics; transporting, unpacking, installation, replacement process to gently prohibit or mechanical strength sensational hit, to avoid breakage.

