
The Garnet similar identification and origin introduced

Similar identification:
A series of gems red garnet red spinel, ruby, red tourmaline, red zircon specific reference to Ruby similar discrimination section expounded; Series gem emerald green garnet, chrome through pyroxene, green tourmaline, green zircon, see the emerald similar discrimination section expounded; series yellow garnet gemstone gold emerald, yellow sapphire, yellow crystal, yellow topaz, yellow zircon , see Topaz similar to the elaboration of the discrimination section; similar collection of jade green garnet green jade, green amazonite.
Garnet origin of almost all over the world. The main origin: the pyrope mainly produced in the United States, the Czech Republic; the almandine mainly produced in India, the United States, Sri Lanka, Pakistan; the andradite mainly produced in Russia, Zaire, South Korea, the United States; calcium water aluminum garnet is mainly produced in South Africa, Canada, USA, China.
European the Bohemian garnet Museum: a sleeping red garnet for hundreds of years, her master Wu Lu Juliet year, black dew Juliet is always wearing While this love stone, with her love Goethe dating, she was convinced: the garnet can bring good luck and eternal love for their happiness.

